
📄 中文 | 📄 English

⚡ what this ?

This is a universal feature library that integrates convenient features

Support app

✨ Features

std = []
alloc = []
fs = []
fs_ext = []
uuid_v4 = ["uuid/v4", "uuid/fast-rng", "uuid/macro-diagnostics", "uuid"]
base64 = []
algorithm = ["rand"]
ui = ["e-macros"]
macros = ["e-macros"]
images = ["image"]
http = ["reqwest"]
http-blocking = ["reqwest/blocking"]
http-json = ["reqwest/json"]
cmd = ["encoding"]
encode = ["encoding"]
dialog = ["rfd"]
default = ["std"]

📖 Example

e-utils = {version="0.3", feature=["algorithm"]}
 // Exmaple `Nanoid`
 fn main() {
     use e_utils::algorithm;
     println!("nanoid -> {}", algorithm!(nanoid));
     println!("nanoid 16bytes -> {}", algorithm!(nanoid 16));
     println!("nanoid 16bytes -> {}", algorithm!(nanoid 16));
     println!("nanoid 10bytes [alphabet:expr] -> {}", algorithm!(nanoid 16, &['1', 'b', 'c', '7']));
     println!("nanoid unsafe 10bytes -> {}", algorithm!(nanoid unsafe 10));
     println!("nanoid unsafe 10bytes [alphabet:expr]-> {}", algorithm!(nanoid unsafe 10, &['1','0']));
 // Exmaple `algorithm`
 fn main2() {
    use e_utils::algorithm;
    println!("random bool -> {}", algorithm!());
    println!("random type -> {}", algorithm!(#u32));
    println!("random type[] -> {:?}", algorithm!([u32; 10]));
    println!("random range 0-13 -> {}", algorithm!(13));
    println!("random range -> {}", algorithm!(0i32..13));
    println!("random rgb range -> {:?}", algorithm!(rgb 100,255));
e-utils = {version="0.3", feature=["algorithm","images"]}

Example Image save from Memory then switch to base64

use std::path::PathBuf;
use e_utils::{
  parse::{AutoPath as _, ParseResult as _},
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use super::{SnPicture, Store};

/// 处理图像数据
pub fn store_save_image<T>(
  pic_buf_ptr: *const T,
  buf_size: usize,
  cache_dir: PathBuf,
  store: &Store,
) -> Result<Value> {
  // 从内存中获取数据
  let reader = unsafe { ImageSource::from_raw_parts_reader(pic_buf_ptr, buf_size) }?;
  let iformat = reader.format().res()?;
  let suffix = iformat.extensions_str();
  let mime_type = iformat.to_mime_type();
  let image = reader.decode().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
  let nanoid = algorithm!(nanoid 12);

  let fpath = cache_dir.join(format!("{nanoid}.{}", suffix[0]));
    .save_with_format(&fpath, iformat)
    .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
  let base64_str = ImageSource::image_to_base64(&image, iformat)?;
  let data = Value::String(format!("data:{mime_type};base64,{}", base64_str));
  let id = format!("image:{nanoid}");

  let _ = store.lock().res()?.insert(
    serde_json::to_value(&SnPicture {
      suffix: suffix[0].to_string(),
      mime_type: mime_type.to_string(),
  Ok(json!({"key": id, "value": data}))


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🔭 why need to e-utils?

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